Oprah Campaign

Should you have read and enjoyed the story of “The Little Man,” and feel that others can benefit from reading this story, we would appreciate all your support in making this book reach a wider audience. As a result K4 Productions is having an Oprah Campaign and would appreciate your help in reaching our goal. We ask you to either write your own comments and thoughts or e-mail your thouhgts to The Oprah Winfrey Show. You can either do this in your own words or you can use the canned e-mail we have provided below.
Should you wish to use the canned e-mail below, please copy and paste it with your e-mail using the link provided.

Please either email the comments below or your own thougths to the link provided below, or you may mail it to the address provided:

  • Email Oprah by clicking this link
  • Also, you can use the link below to send Oprah a message to have Abbas on the Show at her “Your Must Read List” section. The link is below and requires you to sign in. Please feel free to write on her message boards about the book. Thank you once again for all your support.

  • Tell Oprah about your favorite books
  • Oprah Winfrey
    Harpo Studios
    1058 W. Washington Blvd.
    Chicago, IL 60607-2151

    Dear Oprah,
    I believe that your show is one of true inspiration and one that provides hope for those that most need it. Recently my attention was brought to a book entitled “The Little Man” by Abbas Kazerooni. This is a true story about a seven year old boy who was forced to escape ALONE from his home country. In the four months that he was left alone, he managed to overcome such obstacles at such a tender age which many adults would deem as more than challenging.
    This is a story that truly inspires and gives hope to those that may be in need or feel that life’s challenges are too hard to overcome.
    I believe that this book very much falls within your ethos and what you stand for. I feel that should people get to read this book they will feel an inspiration and hope that is often hard to portray in the cynical world that we live in.

    Best Regards,

    One Response to “Oprah Campaign”

    1. Susie Says:

      Abbas, you are truly an amazing man. A survivor to the core, you are no less resourceful, inspiring, talented and couragous today than you were at seven years old. If anyone else went through half the obstacles you have faced in life, they would not be anywhere near where you are today!
      I love your book, and am honored to know you in life.
      I read the manuscript, even before you recieved the publishing deal. Even then, I knew you were destined for greatness. I want nothing more than your absolute success. You deserve this like no other!

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